Contact information: Send all correspondence to:
Co-Chairs: Genna Morton and Kirsten Polley
Treasurer: Scott Kramer
Secretary: Peter Torosian
Brian Kelleher – Member at Large
Keith Stinebaugh– Member at Large
David Swenson – Member at Large
Two councilor positions are currently unfilled. If interested, please contact us at
Denver Group Council meets every second TUESDAY at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom or in person at designated locations. Any Denver Group member is welcome to attend and observe. If you wish to make a presentation, Council’s policy says this:
Member Comment Period. The first five minutes of each Council meeting shall be reserved for comments from the membership, either in person or in writing. An Open Comment Period invitation shall be publicized to DG members. This policy does not apply to scheduled presentations, which shall be subject to the guest presenter guidelines, below.
Guest Presenter Guidelines for Denver Council Meetings
- Request time on the agenda from Chair or Co-Chair at least one week before Council meeting (emergencies excepted).
- If handouts will be used, provide digital copy of hand-out by the Monday before the Wednesday meeting.
- Provide estimate of time needed.
- If you are requesting funding, provide brief description of purpose, need, requested amount, and source of funds.