Conservation Program Mission: to familiarize Denver Group members with the broad based work of the CMC Conservation Department. Click here for the charter for Denver Group Conservation Program (Updated January 2022).
Conservation Program Function: to solicit members to participate in both State and Denver Group specific issues, as contained within work plans. The Program provides training and orientation for members so they can participate fully in work relating to various conservation issues.
Primary activities can often be found within national forests close to Denver; also state lands; and local government open space lands. Because of proximity to Front Range population centers, these lands can face threats from over-recreation, motorized use, habitat loss, among other concerns.
The Denver Group Conservation Program holds quarterly meetings and maintains an e-mail list of interested members from not just the Denver Group, but also other CMC Groups. The Denver Group Conservation program publicizes work of the state-wide Conservation Department, the Denver Group Trails Committee, and, where indicated, conservation work being done by other CMC Groups.
The Denver Group Conservation Program reports to both the Denver Group Council and the statewide Conservation Director. The Program provides periodic reports to the Mile High Mountaineer, the e-newsletter of the Denver Group. The Program is dedicated to informing and empowering CMC members to take action on issues and to help with stewardship of our public lands.
Click here for the Conservation Committee FY 2021-222 Work Plan
Click here for the Conservation Committee FY 2020-2021 Annual Report
For more information, contact the lead conservation organizer, Steve Bonowski. E-mail contact is preferred (
Phone contact is not desired due to the inevitability of “phone tag.” However, critical messages can be left on voice mail: 720-459-2841.