Denver Group Dog Hikes Policy
Passed by Denver Group Council January 11, 2012
- trip leaders of all Denver Group Doggie Hikes should know and adhere to all pertinent leash laws in any jurisdiction entered in their trip
- the trip leader is responsible for indicating inthe trip description if dogs can be off leash at any time during the hike, including at parking lots and trail heads (alerting prospective trip participants who might be intimidated by offleash dogs)
- off leash dogs, in areas where they are permitted, should be controlled at all times by verbal command, to preclude incidents with wildlife, other dogs and hikers
- dog owners are solely responsible for their dogs’ good behavior
- dogs should have vaccinations up to date and be in good health
- dogs with a history of aggression towards people and /or other animals are not allowed on CMC hikes
- the trip leader may, at his/her sole discretion, ban the participation of any dog on a hike
- CMC does not assume any legal responsibilities for the dog’s behavior during the hike, and the owner is solely responsible for any liability arising from their dog’s behavior